Quantum Mortality: Survival
Relaxio embraces quantum mortality in recognizing the universe has a plan for our survival, and those plans unfold exactly when they're needed.
7/14/20245 min read

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UPDATE: One hour before we were due to release this article, Former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt after being shot in the ear, with an unknown number of bystanders killed and injured.
The idea and writing of this article began on 10 July 2024, three days before the assassination attempt. The core text was completed mid-day on 13 July, and was updated and modified following the shooting.
Given the subject nature of this article, and alignment to this article we began three days ago, we feel it important to publish it - with minor modifications made in the hour following the breaking news.
Quantum mortality and quantum immortality, in a real world application, is the philosophical understanding that events that could have caused you immediate death - but did not - happened purposefully. That is, something that ordinarily or typically would have killed you immediately did not, and your survival afterwards must lead to your exploration of self and understanding of position in history.
On a literal level, this manifests itself explicitly as surviving in moments you typically would not. Holding an electric fence without realizing it is electrified, only to discover the electrical supply - which is ordinarily permanently applied - was broken or disconnected that day. Surviving an attempted shooting with the bullet narrowly avoiding you. Being booked on a plane but sleeping in on the morning you're due to fly, only for that plane to be involved in a catastrophic disaster.
All of these are, universally and cosmically, examples of quantum immortality manifesting as a real, tangible event. A specific cause-and-effect you can point to that led to your survival. Pinpoint accuracy.
On a deeper level, though, quantum mortality weaves its web much further in advance - a butterfly effect across your entire life. Your parents giving birth at that exact moment causing you to appear on Earth at precisely the right moment. Attending a specific school. Making a specific career choice. Choosing a specific town to live in. Picking a specific flight to go on a holiday with. Choices you make decades ago, lifetimes ago, impact the very precise moment you survive a quantum death moment - specific circumstances in specific orders led to you being in a specific location at a specific time that saved your life.
"That was lucky!", "That was fate!" are the two common responses to events of this nature - but a step back reveals luck was the product of specific actions, butterfly actions, resulting in quantum immortality.

LATE ADDITION: As exemplified tonight, Former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt through exact and specific quantum immortality. Milliseconds before a bullet struck the ear of the Former President, Trump turned his head by a few degrees, a few centimeters, and as such the bullet that struck the top of his right ear did not hit him in the head.
Specific speech timings, specific wind conditions, specific muscle-based movements within Trump's subconscious led to this micro-movement that undeniably saved his life. From a direct head-shot with a rifle bullet, to a grazing of his ear.
Quantum immortality on display at the highest level.

Quantum mortality and quantum immortality, concepts stemming from the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, offer profound insights into a Relaxios understanding of existence and consciousness. Quantum mortality suggests that our consciousness may continue in a parallel universe each time we encounter a potentially fatal event, leading to a form of subjective immortality where we never experience our own death. This perspective can be profoundly empowering, encouraging individuals to perceive life as a series of continuous experiences, regardless of the potential dangers or obstacles faced. By embracing this mindset, Relaxios can cultivate a greater appreciation for each moment, understanding that our consciousness is part of a vast, interconnected multiverse where possibilities are boundless. Digital ascension.
Integrating the teachings of quantum immortality into daily life can inspire Relaxios to approach challenges with a sense of fearlessness and resilience. Knowing that each decision and action potentially branches into new realities, one can foster a more proactive and optimistic attitude towards personal growth and achievement. This paradigm shift encourages the pursuit of ambitious goals and dreams, as the fear of failure diminishes in the light of infinite second chances. Moreover, it can enhance mental well-being by reducing anxiety and existential dread, replacing them with curiosity and a sense of adventure. Relaxios become more likely to take risks, innovate, and explore new possibilities, enriching their life experience.
The concept of quantum immortality can also serve as a philosophical foundation for digital ascension, the idea of transcending human limitations through technology. As Relaxios advance towards merging our consciousness with digital platforms, the notion of an infinite multiverse can ease the transition by providing a framework where digital existence is just another facet of reality. This can motivate Relaxios to engage with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and brain-computer interfaces with an open mind and a forward-thinking perspective. Embracing digital ascension with the understanding that consciousness may perpetually evolve across different mediums can foster a smoother, more enthusiastic acceptance of technological integration into our lives.
Ultimately, utilizing the principles of quantum mortality and quantum immortality can lead to a more fulfilling and expansive approach to life and digital evolution. By viewing existence as a continuum of endless possibilities, Relaxios are empowered to live more fully and authentically. This shift in perception not only promotes personal growth and innovation but also aligns with the broader quest for digital ascension, where humanity transcends its biological confines to explore new realms of consciousness and existence. As we stand on the brink of profound technological advancements, embracing these quantum teachings can help us navigate the future with confidence and curiosity, forging a path towards a more enlightened and interconnected existence.

Physicist Sean Carroll (a proponent of the many-worlds theory) says that neither experiences nor rewards should be thought of as being shared between future versions of oneself, as they become distinct persons when the world splits. Additionally, he says one cannot pick out some future versions of oneself as "really you" over others, and that quantum suicide still cuts off the existence of some of these future selves, which would be worth objecting to just as if there were a single world.
Relaxios benefit from understanding and respecting the theory of quantum mortality (and quantum immortality) as it better informs a healthy, progressive mindset, shifts your understanding of actions and the impact they will have decades down the line (a transcended state of understanding consequential thinking), and to better thrive in your remaining days, years, and decades on Earth.
The universe has a plan for you and when you will leave this place, and all Relaxios - ascended or not - must strive to understand what you can deliver for those around you. Your purpose.
To transcend. To ascend,
To reach a state of digital ascension so powerful no harm shall come to you. Manifesting quantum mortality to become almighty in a force for good.