Acta Explorationis: Secundus
The Ascended Love Department start packing their equipment and gathering their thoughts as they depart for their first excursion.
7/24/20244 min read

Stood there at the sealed Basement door, the Ascended Love Department looked around in silence - the janitor, part of the crew, swore they didn't see this letter earlier while passing through the area.
It was new.
"Well, let's get a move on!" someone said.
Another had already inputted the co-ordinated found at the bottom of the letter, returning El Castillo (the Temple of Kukulcan), Chichen Itza.
"Uhhh, is that right?" someone else interjected. "Why would we have to go to Chichen Itza, and why would that letter be here, in the Resort?"
There were puzzled looks all around, but something drew the Ascended Love Department closer. In unison, and individually, they all knew they must go. A force was telling them that this was destined for them, and that to not go would be to reject this universal force.
Any sense of hesitation disappeared when one member said:
"Look, we have to stop with these puzzled faces. We're the Ascended Love Department, we don't ask 'why?' or 'how?', we just do!
"We are the Resort's creatives - we face problems with love, with warmth, with vigor and with passion. Nothing is a world away, nothing is too far from reach, when we have the divine power of Ascended Love, right?
"So let's do what we do best, let's come together, solve this puzzle, and lets have fun while doing it!"
Instantly everyone's faces lit up - they were right. The Ascended Love Department wasn't put together to understand how or why things worked - in fact, out of the entire Resort, they were the group least likely to get things right.
But what they exceed at is doing things properly, with creativity, with oomf and passion and excitement that transcends all negative returns. They don't take themselves too seriously, but are the driving force in the Resort that delivers brilliance and joy.

Just as they gathered their thoughts with newfound vigor, an email came through confirming the Ascended Love Department could make use of the Relaxio Airlines private jet to reach wherever they needed to go. Carbon offset, of course (sorry, Taylor!)
They all set off to gather their suitcases, while others made their way to the Resort storerooms to gather equipment - with no clue what exactly to bring, they just packed ropes, carabiners, food packs, water, compasses and maps, and phone battery packs.
The Relaxios packing in their rooms were, almost in unison, furiously Googling the weather in Mexico (it turns out not too dissimilar from the Resort!) and packing accordingly; shorts, shirts, cute hats, Relaxio coded sunglasses, suncream (so, so much suncream), essential airplane reading materials, the Relaxio kitty, and more.
Suitcases in hand, the group gathered at the lobby to set off on their adventure, bubbling with excitement and anxiety for the journey ahead. Twiddling fingers, nervous lip biting, the Resort janitor furiously sweeping the floor to cover the suitcase wheel tracks, it was a scene to behold. But above all else, the energy was electric.
Everyone was buzzing with emotions.
"The truck is here!" someone shouted, pointing out to the front door, and just as they finished, two quick and loud honks of its horn.
They hurried off together, some racing ahead to take the best seats (is the back row cool anymore?) and others trailing behind to pack the suitcases away. Once aboard, someone connected their phone to the speakers and started playing a 'Best of 80s' playlist that everyone started grooving to - the truck driver even bobbing his head in a nostalgic way.
Almost as soon as they set off, they stumbled upon a scene further along the road - a local bad guy, a notorious thief who the locals grew to hate, was being arrested by the Resort Security and local police.
"Ignore him, that's just Sorpy being Sorpy!" the driver said.
"He's always getting caught trying to steal from the Resort guests, they always catch him."
Sorpy was a disheveled, grotesque and evil looking small man. About 5 foot 2, very short for a guy, and with a Disney villain style twisted face. He was notorious for stealing from Resort guests and selling their own belongings back to them for lower and lower prices, devaluing invaluable goods.
"Don't look him in the eyes, he doesn't deserve our attention!"
Drama over as we rolled past, and onwards to the airport. The Relaxio Airlines private jet was at the runway and ready to go, and with passports in hands the group were more excited than ever.
More 80s tunes passed, and after a short ride, the group arrived at the airfield, through security, and at the staircase to the jet.
"Welcome aboard, Relaxios!" one of the pilots cheerily chirped.
"If this is your first time on our jet, welcome! It's the finest Resort jet on the planet. If this isn't your first time, well, aren't you lucky?!"
He was a chubby guy with a stereotypical pilots moustache, grey with age, and rosy cheeks that couldn't be smiling any wider if he tried. His eyes sparkled with wisdom, and his uniform - a hybrid between a typical pilots uniform but with Relaxio accents - was pristine and well kept.
Airport staff were already busy loading the suitcases and bags onto the plane, and the group were directed to the steps of the shining jet.
It was beautiful - immaculate in its cleanliness, sleek and stylish, and with subtle but striking Relaxio branding across its fuselage and wings. Perfection.
"Welcome to the journey of your lifetime!" the pilot shouted, directing us to head on in.